Obscure film - Model# OT22125J


Our new reflective concealment film

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Galvanized pipe test 2 - OT22125J
New Obscure "reflective" film
New Obscure "reflective" film

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Spec Sheets & Qualification Test docs

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            Water Tank Blue    Dark Brown         Matte Black   Dark Hunter Green       Tan       Aviation Safety Orange 

Set color codes_edited

About Our Film

Our technologies apply to all telecommunications RF infrastructures and eliminate expensive structures or faux facades.  Using a high-quality photo image or color matching concealment film, we can mimic any surface.  Our reflective concealment film can reflect any of its surroundings.  Unlike time-consuming paint jobs that will require maintenance and short life span, our films with it's protected surfaces holds up over time and against the most extreme environment.



  •  RF transparent (<0.2% dB loss)
  •  Color Matching & Photo Image - Tested   from 600MHz to 100GHz 
  •  Obscure Film (OT22125J) - Tested from   500MHz to 6Ghz with additional test   points at 10, 20, 30 and 40GHZ.
  • Water & soil Resistant
  •  UV protected
  •  Zero maintenance

Use form to request a quote

Download the attached form.  Submit your request to our help desk email address: info@obscuretechllc.com


Customer comments:

Testimony - Francisco Perez_edited